God in Disguise by Lars-Erik Larsson and Hjalmar Gullberg...what a perfect Summer celebration!
This past weekend I have had the honor and joy performing this Swedish masterpiece twice. Yesterday in Rissnekyrkan and tonight in Sundbybergs kyrka.
Performing with me were Gunnar Birgersson (baritone), Lars Arvidson and Gunnel Fred (recital), Sundbybergs kyrkokör, Rissnekyrkans kör, Sundbybergs orkesterförening and Fredrik Ewaldsson and Kristina Hagwall (condutors).
One of the most beautiful parts of the lyrics by Hjalmar Gullberg is the following. Thank you Lars Arvidson and Gunnel Fred for both giving the lyrics depth and soulfulness!
Bjuder ett mänskoöga
till stilla kärleksfest
oss, kyliga och tröga,
som folk är mest,
lägger som himmelsk läkning
för djupa själasår,
en vän, fri från beräkning,
sin hand i vår,
synes en ljusglans sprida
sig kring vår plågobädd -
då sitter vid vår sida
en gud förklädd.
When with a beck’ning glance
we are welcomed to love’s feast
and answer, cold and careless,
the very least;
when comes a heav’n-sent healing
for souls in deep distress,
and when, free from all reck’ning,
a hand will bless:
then comes a light to spread
such joy to a soul surprised –
that seated by our side
English version by John Hearne
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